Sunday, April 24, 2011

Julia Crowell's Husband

There is very little information available on line or at sources such as the Western Reserve Historical Society about Julia Crowell, after whom the south half of Camp Crowell/Hilaka was named.  But there is a lot about her husband, Benedict.  Benedict Crowell was in charge of miliary procurement during World War I.  That meant that he coordinated the entire American effort to manufacture and transport all of the materiel used by the American forces in that war!  After the war, he wrote extensively about how he did it, and about how the US armed forces should prepare themselves forthe next conflict.  And during World War II, while he did not have an official position that we know of, he was a close advisor to Secretary of War Henry Stimson. 

Below are a speech and two articles found in the Western Reserve Historical Society archives.  The speech and one article are biographical, and the other article was written by Benedict Crowell in 1921 about "Modern Preparedness".  You can click on an image to display it sized to fit on your screen, and then click on it again to display it in its original size, where you will be able to read the text more easily.

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